
Dog fouling in the Parish – again!

Several parishioners have expressed concern at the frequency they are coming across dog poo along the Coffin Trail, particularly the section from the Black Dog & Duck to Prattendens. They find...

Dog waste bin changes

The two dog bins in the Parish, located at the end of Church Lane and by the fingerpost sign at the crossroads, will shortly be removed as dog waste can be disposed of in the two black litter bins...

Buying a puppy? A word of warning

In his report to Bury Parish Council at the meeting on 15th March, District Councillor Alan Sutton provided the following commentary from Chichester District Council for prospective puppy...

Dog fouling persists

Following our report on 3rd February on dog fouling in Bury, it is disappointing to note that the problem persists and attempts are being made to identify the owner responsible. Failing to clear up...

Paw Paddock planning application

Towards the end of last year, an application was made for the creation of a dog exercising compound in a field in Houghton Lane. This met with considerable opposition from a number of residents in...

Dog thefts

There have been many reports of dog theft both at local and national level as a consequence of a steep rise in prices for pets during lockdown. Through the recently formed Rural Crime Unit, Sussex...

Dog fouling in the parish

It has come to the attention of many parishioners that there is a small group of dog owners who are continuing to let their dogs foul footpaths and verges without clearing up after them.  It is not...

Dog walkers & SDNP

Bury Parish Council has received a request from Emma Stanbury, Heathlands Reunited Project Officer at SDNPA, to pass on to dog owners and dog walkers the following invitation to participate in a...