Bury is situated in the beautiful South Downs National Park. Their official website has a map and links to many local places and trails.
Amberley Museum and Heritage Centre 01798 831370
Arundel Castle 01903 882173
Arundel Wetland and Wildlife Centre 01903 883355
Bignor Roman Villa 01798 869259
Chichester Cathedral 01243 782595
Chichester Festival Theatre 01243 781312
Coultershaw Beam Pump 01789 865774
Fishers Farm Park 01403 700063.
Goodwood House and events 01243 755055
RSPB Pulborough Brooks 01798 875851
St Botolph’s Hardham 01798 839057
Parham House Cootham Pulborough 01903 742021
Petworth Cottage Museum 01798 342100
Petworth Festival 01798 343055
Petworth House and Park 01798 343929
Southwater Country Park : Horsham 01403 731218
Stopham Vineyard 01403 731218
Tangmere Military Aviation Museum 01243 790090
Weald and Downland Museum Singleton 01243 811363
West Dean House and Garden 01243 818279 (gardens) 01243 811301 (house/college)