Planning Application Decisions

Planning Application Decisions

All applications can be found on the SDNPA website by typing in the reference. Please note that the SDNPA is the Local Planning Authority so if you wish to search for planning applications and find out more information then please use the above link.

Reference: SDNP/24/04724/TCA

Address:  Orchard End , West Burton Road, West Burton, West Sussex, RH20 1HD

Proposal: Notification of intention to dismantle tree with finished stump height approx. 1.5m above bank height on 1 no. Ash tree (T1).

BPC Decision: 10th December 2024

Reference: SDNP/24/03576/FUL

Address: Bury Village Hall, The Street, RH20 1PA

Proposal: Two-storey side extension, single-storey side extension, change of use of first floor theatrical props store to 1 no. flat (C3) including a new staircase.

BPC Decision: No comment

Reference: SDNP/24/04604/TCA

Address: Lower House Farm, West Burton Road, West Burton, West Sussex, RH20 1HD

Proposal: Notification of intention to fell 1 no. Holm Oak tree (T1)

BPC Decision: No objection

Reference: SDNP/24/03432/FUL

Address: Downfields House, West Burton Road, West Burton, West Sussex, RH20 1HD

Proposal: Replacement of existing dwelling house, garage and outbuildings with new dwelling house with linked garage, including Ground Source Heat Pump.

BPC Decision:  The Parish Council voted to remain neutral on this application. It agrees that the site’s existing building has little architectural merit and that it therefore makes little positive contribution to its setting. Though the Council is not opposed to the overall objective of this application, it does have some concerns. 

The submitted proposal is for a substantially larger property and the Council felt the application is light on the visual benefit it would bring to West Burton. Simply dismissing the building that is there does not necessarily mean its replacement will be an improvement.

Reference is made in the application to a number of local buildings but, though the planning background may be well recorded, it seems to offer little instruction on how the design should respond to the particularities of this location. It learns little from any of the significant buildings it refers to. 

Put simply, the Council struggled to understand why what is proposed would contribute to the character of West Burton. It would have been happier to see an architectural response that seems more sensitive to its location rather than the CGIs which describe a house that might be anywhere. The lack of detail in the landscape proposals for a project located in the National Park where there is an expectation of ‘landscape-led’ design seemed to emphasise that point.

Specifically, the Council has four issues it would like to see addressed as the application progresses.

The first concerns the extent of glazing. The proposed dwelling would substantially increase the amount of glazing and that, coupled with the proposed roof lights, creates a fear that the SDNPA’s Dark Skies policy might be challenged. The application does refer to blinds but that describes an intention which falls short of the detail expected in a detailed application. Though the Design statement does state that automatic dusk to dawn blinds will be fitted, the type needs to be clarified in line with the SDNPA Dark Skies Technical Advice Note which states automatic blinds should be avoided unless fitted with a separate curfew switch or have a proximity sensor.

The second is landscape. There is insufficient detail on the landscape intentions and, as this will be a very much larger building than the one that exists, some key views from the lane and from the south would have been helpful. Even if the landscape is quite dense, it is likely that it will be possible to see the house from some parts of the lane. Similarly, there are no landscape proposals for the south of the site, so will it be possible to see the house in distant views from the south and will the amount of glazing cause undue reflections from any PROW? These are issues which the application seems not to have considered.

The third is the issue of the demolition of the existing building. Notwithstanding its lack of architectural merit, the house does exist and that means that a good deal of carbon is locked in its structure. As the ‘greenest’ building is one that already exists, has any consideration been given to retain the building or a part of it? Some justification for its demolition would have been helpful in the application. Whilst the Council is sympathetic to the demolition of some 20th century dwellings in certain circumstances, such action should be part of the consideration when applying policy SD48 of the Local Plan.

And fourth is the architectural composition. It would be helpful to better understand what was behind this particular elevational design. What, for example, are the merits of its composition as they seem hard to determine from the submitted drawings. The Council was uncertain about whether this was intended to be a country house or farmyard. If it is the latter, it lacks conviction and if it is the former, it lacks confidence. Either way it seems to be a design more familiar to an estate development rather than to a very particular and beautiful location in West Burton.

To conclude, the Council will not object to the principle of the development but very much hopes that there will be an opportunity for some reconsideration so that the four points raised here can be properly addressed.

Reference: SDNP/24/03445/CND

Address: Beaufort Barn , West Burton Road, West Burton, West Sussex, RH20 1HD

Proposal: Conversion of outbuilding to form holiday let accommodation – Removal of Condition 3 of Planning Permission SDNP/16/00740/FUL for use of Beaufort Barn as dwelling House (C3)

BPC Decision: Neutral

Reference: SDNP/24/03851/TCA

Address: The Barton , The Street, Bury, West Sussex, RH20 1PA

Proposal: Notification of intention to reduce height by 2.5m and reduce sectors (all round) by approx. 2m on 1 no. Beech tree (T1).

BPC Decision: No objection

LPA Decision: No objection

Reference: SDNP/24/03665/HOUS

Address: Grevatts, Hale Hill, West Burton, West Sussex, RH20 1HE

Proposal: Replacement of 7 no. roof lights with 6 no. dormer windows on north roof elevation

BPC Decision: Supports this application and believes the proposals would reduce light emission and therefore help to conserve Bury’s Dark Night Skies


Address: Corner House , The Street, Bury, West Sussex, RH20 1PF

ProposalDemolition of existing garage and reconstruction of new pitched roof garage with home office over

BPC Decision:  Objects to this application for the following reasons:

1. The proposed location
From the information in the application there seems to be insufficient space to build the new structure including deep retaining walls against the boundary and insufficient space to maintain the sloping roof and its gutter from within the property. There is no indication of the likely problems nor the practicality of dealing with them on the drawings or report.

2. Loss of amenity
The proposal may improve the impact of the existing structure when seen from Houghton Lane but the impact of what amounts to a large roof placed directly on the boundary appears to be only 8m from their neighbour’s home and will unacceptably affect the neighbour’s amenity.

3. Height and massing
The scale of the barn-like roof seems appropriate to the context of Houghton Lane side but that analysis has not been applied to neighbouring cottages. It will undoubtedly be overbearing and seem out of place seen from the opposite side from the lane.

4. Dark skies and overlooking
On the site plan, the roof plan and the proposed first floor plan, there is an indication of a rooflight on the south facing sloping roof. This is omitted from the south elevation. The potential of this rooflight will cause issues of overlooking and will be in contravention of the SDNPA’s Dark Skies policy.

5. Designated use
The application is for a home office but it also includes a gym and a bathroom. The scale of the building is partly attributed to a larger building than is actually necessary. Such a specification is a short step away from it becoming lettable for holiday purposes or even as a separate dwelling

6. Support from neighbours
The planning reports suggest that the proposals have the support neighbours when this is, in fact not the case. The neighbours away from Houghton Lane had no idea an application was going to be submitted before they heard officially from the planning authority.

It is quite likely that if this proposal was made smaller, moved away from the neighbour’s boundary by a meaningful degree and with the omission of the roof light, there would be fewer objections and more support.

Reference: SDNP/24/02873/TCA

Address: Martins Barn , The Street, Bury, West Sussex, RH20 1PA

Proposal: Notification of intention to pollard down to approx. 6m (above ground level) on 3 no. Lime trees (quoted as T1, T2 & T3).

BPC Decision: No objection

SDNPA Descision: No objection

Reference:SDNP/24/02778/LIS & SDNP/24/02777/HOUS

Address: Cokes Barn , West Burton Road, West Burton, West Sussex, RH20 1HD

Proposal: Replace existing conservatory with orangery with new first floor window on south elevation.

BPC Decision: Neutral

Reference: SDNP/24/02782/LIS & SDNP/24/02781/HOUS 

Address: Cokes Barn , West Burton Road, West Burton, West Sussex, RH20 1HD

Proposal: Construction of outbuilding for storage

BPC Decision: Neutral

LPA Decision: Approved

Reference: SDNP/24/02828/LIS 

Address: Fogdens , West Burton Road, West Burton, West Sussex, RH20 1HD

Proposal: Installation of 10 no. solar panels on southwest elevation of garage roof

BPC Decision: Support

LPA: Approved


Address:Foxbury Farm , West Burton Road, West Burton, West Sussex, RH20 1HD

Proposal: Change of Use of Agricultural Buildings to a flexible use within Class E (Commercial, business or service) under Class R of the General Permitted Development Order 2015 (as amended).

BPC Decision: The Parish Council objects to this application and a change of use from agricultural land and is contrary to BDNP Policy 12 (The small business economy)

SDNPA Decision: Refused

Reference: SDNP/24/01437/FUL

Address: Bignor Park Nursery, Bignor Park Road, Bignor, West Sussex, RH20 1HG

Proposal: Change of use of land from agricultural to a mixed Class B2/Class B8 and equine use. Reclad the existing barn to provide a bespoke furniture workshop, erection of a new stable block, installation of a horse walker and outdoor arena, all weather turnout pens and provision of ancillary parking, drainage and landscaping.

BPC Decision: Consistent with its comments on an earlier application, the Parish Council objects to this application based on the reasons given in the dismissal of planning appeal SDNP/18/00105/REF and the objection to application SDNP/21/03372/FUL. The proposals would be in contravention of a number of core policies of the Bury Neighbourhood Plan (12, 13, 14, 15, 16 & 19) and the SD Local Plan ( 1, 4, 5 & 6).

Despite its objection, it has some sympathy for the application as it wishes to support residents of Bury to be able to work and make a living in the parish. Should the applicants be minded to proceed with their proposals. BPC recommends that the landscaping strategy should be strengthened with a design that ensures the development is sympathetic to the character of the parish. It also proposes that the applicant makes it clear that permission for residential development will never be sought or permitted.

Should the LPA decide to approve the application, BPC recommends that any approval is granted personally to the applicant so the change of use may not be traded that if the land is ever sold then the change of use is reverted back to agricultural.

Reference: SDNP/24/02226/TCA

Address:Dorset House School , Church Lane, Bury, West Sussex, RH20 1PB

Proposal: Notification of intention to fell 1 no. Pinus nigra tree (T1).

BPC Decision: Neutral

LPA Decision: No Objection

Reference: SDNP/24/02295/LIS & SDNP/24/02052/HOUS

Address: Kesters House, The Street, Bury, West Sussex, RH20 1PA

ProposalRenovate the existing extension. External works include – replacing an existing UPVC window with a set of wooden french doors. Replace a top hung horizontal casement window on north facing side of extension with a wooden side hung casement window. window on north facing side of extension with a wooden side hung casement window. Add 1 no. casement window to south of breakfast room. Internal works include – Increasing the size of opening between the kitchen and breakfast room, block a doorway from the kitchen to the hallway.

BPC Decision: Support as the replacement of UPVC with timber should be encouraged

LPA Decision: Approved

Reference: SDNP/24/01542/HOUS

Address: Bury Lodge , The Street, Bury, West Sussex, RH20 1PF

Proposal: Erection of 1 no. single storey outbuilding for home office/storage use.

BPC Decision: Neutral

LPA Decision: Application withdrawn

Reference: SDNP/24/02234/TCA

Address: Manor Cottage , Church Lane, Bury, West Sussex, RH20 1PB

Proposal: Notification of intention to crown lift to 5m (above ground level) and reduce 1 no. lower limb by 3m on south sector (over pathway) on 1 no. Black Poplar tree (quoted as T1). Reduce south-west sector (over garden) by 2m on 1 no. Weeping Willow tree (quoted limb by 3m on south sector (over pathway) on 1 no. Black Poplar tree (quoted as T1).

BPC Decision: Neutral

LPA Decision: No Objection


Address: Rose Cottage , West Burton Road, West Burton, West Sussex, RH20 1HD

Proposal: Fell 1 no. Copper beech tree (T1). Height reduce by shortening tips of small-diameter ascending stems by up to 2m and width reduce up to 2m on 1 no. Beech tree (T2) and Cherry tree (T3) within Area, A1 subjcet to 61/00112/TPO

BPC Decision: Neutral

Reference: SDNP/24/01961/CND & SDNP/24/01959/CND

Address: Horncroft Farm , Tripp Hill, Fittleworth, West Sussex, RH20 1EX

Proposal: The conversion of woodshed into habitable accommodation, reinstatement of barn in historic location and new glazed link connecting the woodshed to the main farmhouse – historic location and new glazed link connecting the woodshed to the main farmhouse – Variation of Condition 14 of householder permission SDNP/20/05761/HOUS – Amendment to the wording in regard to obtaining the Natural England Species Licence prior to commencement of works and the expiry of the listed building consent.

BPC Decision: Neutral

LPA Decision: Approved

Reference: SDNP/24/01760/HOUS

Address:Bury Mill Farm , Bury Road, Bury, West Sussex, RH20 1NN

Proposal:  Single storey rear extension.

BPC Decision: Neutral

LPA Decision: Approved

Reference: SDNP/24/01467/TCA

Address: Papplewick , Houghton Lane, Bury, West Sussex, RH20 1PD

ProposalNotification of intention to fell 1 no. Leyland Cypress tree (quoted as X) and reduce height by up to 1m on 1 no. Cherry Laurel Hedge (quoted as H1)

BPC Decision: Neutral

LPA Decision: No objection

Reference: SDNP/24/01097/HOUS

Address:Field House , Bury Road, Bury, West Sussex, RH20 1NN

Proposal: Single storey rear extension and rendering to all existing external walls.

BPC Decision:  Neutral

LPA Decision: Approved

Reference: SDNP/24/00928/HRA

Address: Downland, The Street, Bury, Pulborough, West Sussex, RH20 1PF

Proposal: Habitats Regulation 77 of the Habitats and Species Regulations (HRA, Habitats Regulations Assessment) – Installation of solar panels on the roof

BPC Decision: No objection

LPA Decision: No objection

Reference: SDNP/24/00253/FUL

Address: Land North of Junction With B2138, Bury Road, Bury, West Sussex

Proposal: Construction of 1 no. underground dwelling

BPC Decision: The Parish Council supports this resubmission and reiterates its previous comments from application SDNP/22/05725/FUL (see below) . However, this support comes from the Parish Council as a whole and not from a single individual. The Council would be grateful, therefore, if any reference in the Planning Application Statement to a particular councillor is removed.

Comments on application SDNP/22/05725/FUL

The Council supports this application and believes the innovative design is worthy of approval under Paragraph 80 (e) of the NPPF. It has the potential to show outstanding and innovative architectural merit and, with its ground hugging form, it would have minimal impact on its immediate setting and on the surrounding area. Bury Parish Council welcomes this proposal as it would give certainty to the use of the site and prevent future unauthorised use which has blighted this land in the past. The Council is also very supportive of its ecological potential in which several renewable technologies are proposed to make a selfsufficient development. Should planning permission be granted for this proposal, BPC would wish any approval to be subject to the following conditions.

(a) A full geological survey to be undertaken to demonstrate the feasibilty of the proposal.

(b) A clear strategy on the management of spoil.

(c) The height of the new construction should not be any higher than that shown on the drawings.

(d) The developers enter into legal agreement that only this scheme and no other can be built on the plot of land if approval is given.

LPA Decision: Refused

Reference: SDNP/23/05071/TCA

Address: Leghorn Cottage, The Street, RH20 1PA

Proposal: Notification to fell 1 multi-stem Aspen tree

BPC Decision: Neutral

LPA Decision: No objection

Reference: SDNP/24/00197/FUL

Address: Sandy Meadow Farm

Proposal: Change use of land with 5 pitch settled gypsy accommodation site including landscaping and biodiversity enhancements

BPC Decision: Object:

The site is within the National Park an area of exceptional beauty and one of its principal aims is to conserve and enhance the natural landscape. Therefore, any development proposal must be made with that in mind. This proposal would do the opposite. It will detract from the enjoyment and intrude on the tranquillity of Lord’s Piece and the surrounding area much loved by walkers and horse riders and will therefore cause harm to a well-established part of the unique National Park landscape. It is far from any existing settlement, in a national dark sky reserve and could not be described as anything other than remote, out of character and harmful to a typical rural lane in the National Park. Its remoteness means that it is far from local amenities and, without access to local public transport, it will be completely car dependent and make no contribution to an existing settlement. The site is also subject to 2 outstanding planning refusals, namely SDNP/16/03121/FUL retention of mobile home and SDNP/23/01781/FUL retention of replacement barn.

Additionally, this development will require a major upgrade to the existing water, waste, and electricity utilities.

This is not a planning application that should be supported and BPC would therefore lodge its objection.

LPA Decision: Refused

Reference: SDNP/24/00066/LIS

Address: Hatchets, West Burton Road, West Burton, Pulborough, West Sussex, RH20 1HD

Proposal: Repair of existing roof covering

BPC Decision: Neutral

LPA Decision: Approved

Reference: SDNP/24/00262/TCA

Address: 5 Squires Cottages, The Street, Bury, West Sussex, RH20 1PA

Proposal: Notification of intention to fell 1 no. Walnut Tree (T1).

BPC Decision: Neutral

LPA Decision: No objection

Reference: SDNP/24/00038/LIS

Address: Ferry Cottage, Church Lane

Proposal: Replacement windows and external doors, internal thermal upgrading to the existing summer house, and the installation of roof mounted solar thermal panels

BPC Decision: Neutral

LPA Decision: Approved

Reference: SDNP/24/00021/TCA

Address:High Dyke, Church Lane, Bury, Pulborough, West Sussex, RH20 1PB

Proposal: Notification of intention to prune by up to 4m on 1 no. multi-stemmed Eucalyptus tree.

BPC Decision: Neutral

LPA Decision: No objection

Reference: SDNP/23/04877/DCOND

Address: Bury Mill Farm

Proposal: Discharge of Conditions 10 (revised scheme of soft landscape works) and 17 (details of hard landscape works) of planning permission SDNP/13/01164/FUL.

BPC Decision: Neutral

LPA decision:

Reference: SDNP/23/04403/LIS

Address:Westburton House West Burton Road West Burton Pulborough West Sussex RH20 1HD

Proposal: Installation of a stannah stairlift

BPC Decision: Neutral

LPA Decision: Approved

Reference: SDNP/23/03878/HOUS

Address: Grevatts Hale Hill West Burton Pulborough West Sussex RH20 1HE

Proposal: Proposed traditional oak framed extension to existing outbuilding

BPC Decision: Neutral

LPA Decision: Approved

Reference: SDNP/23/04331/TCA

Address:New Barn House The Street Bury West Sussex RH20 1PA

Proposal: Notification of intention height and width (all round) reduce by up to 1.5m on 1 no. Yew dome tree (marked as T2). Height reduce by 5m on 3 no. Leylandi tree (marked as G2).

BPC Decision: Neutral

LPA Decision: No objection

Reference: SDNP/23/04485/TPO

Address: New Barn House The Street Bury Pulborough West Sussex RH20 1PA

Proposal: Width reduce the southern sector (over the road) by up to 2m and width reduce the northern sector by up to 1.5m on 1 no. Walnut Tree (T1) subject to 98/00121/TPO

BPC Decision: Neutral

LPA Decision: Approved

Reference: SDNP/23/04342/TCA

Address: The Farmhouse The Street Bury Pulborough West Sussex RH20 1PA

Proposal: Notification of intention to crown raise by 4m by removing 3 no. lower branches on northern & southern sectors on 2 no. Ash trees. Fell 1 no. Elm tree. Remove 3 no.lowest branches over border up to 3m on eastern and western sectors on 1 no.Walnut tree. Remove 1 no. lowest branch on western sector and 3 smaller branches (above lowest branch) on 1 no. Copper beech tree.

BPC Decision: Neutral

LPA Decision: No objection

Reference: SDNP/23/03797/TCA

Address:The Berries The Street Bury Pulborough West Sussex RH20 1PF

Proposal: Notification of intention to height reduce up to 2.5m on 1 no. Yew hedge (G1). Fell 5 no. multi stemmed Laurel border trees (G2). Remove 130 no. branches and stems to leave up to 3m on 1 no. Lapsed beech hedge (G3).

BPC Decision: Neutral

LPA Decision: No objection

Reference: SDNP/23/03340/HOUS

Address: Little Meadow The Street Bury West Sussex RH20 1PA

Proposal: 2-storey front extension and raising the roof line

BPC Decision: Neutral

LPA Decision: Approved

Reference: SDNP/23/03797/TCA

Address: The Berries The Street Bury Pulborough West Sussex RH20 1PF

Proposal: Notification of intention to height reduce up to 2.5m on 1 no. Yew hedge (G1). Fell no. Laurel border trees (G2). Remove  no. ascending stems and  no. lateral branches to leave up to 3m on 1 no. Lapsed beech hedge (G3)

BPC Decision: Withdrawn

Reference: SDNP/23/03685/HOUS

Address: Foxbury Farm West Burton Lane Bury Pulborough West Sussex RH20 1HB

Proposal: First floor extension to thatched roof with the addition of 2 no. dormer windows.

BPC Decision: Neutral

LPA Decision: Approved

Reference: SDNP/23/03538/24BC

Address: Cokes Farm West Burton Road West Burton Pulborough West Sussex RH20 1HD

Proposal: Notification to extend use of campsite by an extra 30 days from 05.08.2023 to 01.10.2023

BPC Decision: The Council noted this application but had no comment.

LPA Decision:

Reference: SDNP/23/03390/TCA

Address: Lower House Farm West Burton Road West Burton Pulborough West Sussex RH20 1HD

Proposal: Notification of intention to fell 1 no. Beech tree (T1)

BPC Decision: Support

LPA Decision: No objection

Reference: SDNP/23/03044/LDE

Address: Sandy Meadow Farm Bignor Park Road Bignor West Sussex RH20 1HQ

Proposal: Use of land as a camping and caravan site

BPC Decision:  The Parish Council objects to this application and believes the evidence provided in support is incorrect as many parishioners have confirmed that over a period in excess of 10 years camping activity has been very intermittent, with none at all in some years. One of the main reasons for this is that the site is not always accessible in winter months. Furthermore there is a danger that should consent be granted an application for occupation by a warden of one of the illegal mobile homes currently on site will soon follow.

LPA Decision: Refused

Reference: SDNP/23/02630/FUL

Address: Stane Lodge Bury Gate Bury West Sussex RH20 1HA

Proposal: Demolition and rebuild of existing house and garage. Resubmission of application SDNP/21/04688/FUL.

BPC Decision: The Parish Council voted to remain neutral on this application on the condition that the agent’s rebuttal (please see below) to the Council’s objection to the original application (SDNP/21/04688/FUL) is correct and the SDNPA is happy with it.

Agent rebuttal:
‘Whilst the reference to the general terms of the NPPF are noted, I am not aware of any Development Plan policies which require the specific retention of buildings in these circumstances. In any event, the dwelling is in an extremely poor state of repair and given the subsidence and general state of the building it’s retention would not be warranted in this case, particularly given that it has been effectively written off by insurers and the mortgage company in 1990 (as noted within SDNP/15/01953/FUL). The situation has only deteriorated further since the last application.
It is also relevant to note that the dwelling is of nonstandard construction comprising of clay plots on the ground floor and 4×2 studding at 1st floor making refurbishment on the existing footings problematic in the extreme and economically unviable. Any refurbishment that did take place would not likely meet the high standards of environmental and energy performance now required and which could be achieved by a replacement dwelling’.

LPA Decision: Approved

Reference: SDNP/23/02268/HOUS

Address: Newoods Farm Bignor Park Road Bignor West Sussex RH20 1HQ

Proposal: Proposed alterations and extension including conversion of existing dairy barn to ancillary accommodation, a new orangery, outside swimming pool and shepherds hut and replace existing stables with cart barn.

BPC Decision: Support

LPA Decision: Approved

Reference: SDNP/23/01781/FUL

Address: Sandy Meadow Farm Bignor Park Road Bignor West Sussex RH20 1HQ

Proposal: Retention of replacement barn (retrospective).

BPC Decision: The Parish Council objects to this application for retrospective planning permission for a replacement barn on the grounds that it is twice the size of its predecessor. The proposed barn being approximately 24x12mx8m in height, as opposed to the previous barn which the plan of the site on the SDNPA planning portal shows to have been approximately 12x6m, which also accords with the recollection of many local residents.

The Council further rejects the contention that a barn of this size is required to store hay from a land holding with in our estimation no more than 5 acres of grassland. Using the applicant’s own figures the hay yield would be no more than 255m3 perhaps 300m3 at most this is less than 25% of the new barn’s internal area. Therefore, the Council believes this application contravenes SD4 (landscape character) and BNDP 2 (built character) as the proposed size and density of the barn is disproportionate to the plot resulting in a detrimental impact on the character of the surrounding landscape.

LPA Decision: Refused

Reference: SDNP/23/02040/FUL

Address: Whiteways Cafe Bury Hill Houghton West Sussex BN18 9FD

Proposal:Temporary siting of modified shipping container (incorporating PV panels to roof) and associated decking area for a period of five years to create pop-up sales space for Fauna Brewing. Landscaping including creation of downland species meadows, improved hedgerow incorporating hedge trees, and erection of fence to create wildlife buffer area around adjacent woodland.

BPC Decision: Though this application falls outside the parish boundary, Bury Parish Council (BPC) nevertheless feels that it is within the landscape context of the application and wishes to comment.

The application is for a temporary permission to test a business model with the minimum of investment. BPC has no objection in principle to the diversification of the food offer – particularly to walkers and cyclists – but, as a permanent structure, it does have some reservations. Should approval be granted, BPC recommends that it should be with the following conditions.

1. That the approval is strictly for a limited period and that no extension will be granted without greater consideration being given to the landscape and architectural impact of the proposal.

2. This application and any future application should strictly adhere to the commitment not to install any external lighting and to close the facility at dusk in order not to cause any deterioration to the dark sky environment.

LPA Decision: Withdrawn

Reference: SDNP/23/02478/HOUS & SDNP/23/02479/LIS

Address: Saddlers Church Lane Bury West Sussex RH20 1PB

Proposal: Two storey extension to the east elevation and alterations to the fenestration on the south east corner

BPC Decision: Support

LPA Decision: Approved

Reference: SDNP/23/02385/CND

Address: Jolyons The Street Bury Pulborough West Sussex RH20 1PF

Proposal: Side extension to west elevation – (variation of Conditions 1 and 2 of Planning Permission SDNP/20/00817/HOUS to add 1 no. ground floor window to north elevation and amend extension roof).

BPC Decision: Support

LPA Decision: Approved

Reference: SDNP/21/03372/FUL

Proposal: Change of use of land from agricultural to a mixed Class B2/Class B8 and equestrian use. Reclad and extend the existing barn to provide a bespoke joinery workshop, erection of a new stable block, installation of a horse walker and sand school and provision of ancillary parking, drainage and landscaping.

Address: Bignor Park Nursery Bignor Park Road Bignor RH20 1HG

BPC decision:  Objects to this planning application based on the reasons given in the dismissal of planning appeal SDNP/18/00105/REF which are contrary to BDNP policies 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 & 19 and SD policies 1, 4, 5 & 6 and strongly objects to the proposed change of use.

SDNPA decision: Application withdrawn

Reference: SDNP/23/01196/TCA

Address: St Johns Church, Church Lane

Proposal: Notification of intention to fell 1 no. Holly tree (T1), crown lift to 2.5m (above ground level) all round on 1 no. Holly tree (T2) and reduce southern sector to provide up to 2m clearance from the roof on 1 no. Yew tree (T3).

BPC Decision: Neutral

LPA Decision: No objection

Reference: SDNP/22/05725/FUL

Address: Land North of Junction With B2138 Bury Road

Proposal: Construction of 1 no. underground dwelling.

BPC Decision: The Council supports this application and believes the innovative design is worthy of approval under Paragraph 80 (e) of the NPPF. It has the potential to show outstanding and innovative architectural merit and, with its ground hugging form, it would have minimal impact on its immediate setting and on the surrounding area. Bury Parish Council welcomes this proposal as it would give certainty to the use of the site and prevent future unauthorised use which has blighted this land in the past.  The Council is also very supportive of its ecological potential in which several renewable technologies are proposed to make a self-sufficient development. Should planning permission be granted for this proposal, BPC would wish any approval to be subject to the following conditions.

(a)    A full geological survey to be undertaken to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposal.

(b)    A clear strategy on the management of spoil.

(c)    The height of the new construction should not be any higher than that shown on the drawings.

(d)    The developers enter into legal agreement that only this scheme and no other can be built on the plot of land if approval is given.

LPA Decision: Refused

Reference: SDNP/23/01202/FUL

Address: Hillside Nursery Bury Common Bury West Sussex RH20 1NR

Proposal: Demolition of existing glasshouses and associated horticultural structures and erection of 7 no. C3 residential dwellings and 7 no. commercial workspace suites (class E(g)), including access landscaping and associated works at Hillside Nursery Bury Common Bury RH20 1NR (Amendments to plans, elevations and materials as approved under reference SDNP/21/05619/FUL).

BPC Decision: The Council objects to this application and is disappointed it has been submitted. The Parish Council spent a considerable amount of time with the developers to ensure the already approved scheme reflected and contributed to the character of the parish. However, the richness of materials expressing a natural hierarchy of buildings, set out in application SDNP/21/05619/FUL, which gave the impression of being built over time and which is in keeping with character and appearance of Bury has been lost and replaced with a single uniform material – red brick. The current scheme now offers what seems to be a much more standard form of housing development which has little appreciable relationship to the character of Bury and therefore contravenes BNDP 2 (Built Character), BNDP 13 (Landscape and Character) and SD4 (Landscape Character) and SD5 (Design). In short, this second application is disappointing and falls very far short of the first.

LPA Decision: Withdrawn

Reference: SDNP/23/00713/SCREEN

Address:  Sewage Treatment Works Houghton Lane Bury West Sussex

Proposal: EIA Screening Opinion Request for the proposed upgrade of wastewater treatment works.

BPC Decision: Support

LPA Decision: EIA not required

Reference: SDNP/22/05630/CND

Address: Leawood Farm, The Coach House West Burton Lane Bury West Sussex RH20 1HB

Proposal: Relocation of a residential access and driveway – Variation of Condition 2 of planning permission SDNP/20/02659/FUL – access alignment amendments.

BPC Decision: Neutral

LPA Decision: Approved

Reference: SDNP/22/05683/TCA

Address: Smiths Barn Church Lane Bury West Sussex RH20 1PB

Proposal: Notification of intention to height reduce by up to 4m (back to previous pollard points) on 1 no. Eucalyptus tree

BPC Decision: Neutral

LPA Decision: No objection

Reference: SDNP/22/05635/TCA

Address: Leghorn Cottage The Street Bury West Sussex RH20 1PA

Proposal: Notification of intention to fell 1 no. Maple tree

BPC Decision: Neutral

LPA Decision: No objection

Reference: SDNP/22/05649/FUL

Address: Land at Timberley Farm Bury Common Bury West Sussex RH20 1NP

Proposal: Conversion of barn complex into dwelling with associated parking

BPC Decision: Neutral on the condition that any light spillage was reduced as much as possible in order to comply with policies SD8 and BNDP 15 and protect Bury’s Dark Night Skies. The Council generally supported the application and welcomed the designer’s approach to Energy and Ecosystems Sustainability, but had the following reservations with respect to light pollution. The Design and Access Statement does consider this issue at some length and the requirements of Local Plan policy SD8 that requires a developer to ensure that any proposed lighting was necessary and to reduce light spillage as a result of poor design. Furthermore, the statement noted that the proposed roof lights could be fitted with electrically operated dusk-dawn internal blackout blinds if required.

As there are 11 number proposed roof lights, the Council questioned whether the designer had truly tried to limit the roof lights to those that were absolutely necessary and indeed given that Timberley Farm was at the centre of an International Dark Night Sky Reserve should there be any roof lights at all. The Council also added that it did not consider the fact that a roof light was existing exempts it from the principles of light spillage reduction as required by policy SD8 which seemed to be implied in the D&A statement Secondly, it was proposed to replace 2 full height barn doors and infills with large glazed panels. Again, the Council questioned whether the amount of glazing was necessary as they were nearly 5 metres in height. And had light spillage mitigation been considered beyond manually operated blinds.

LPA Decision: 

Reference: SDNP/21/05619/FUL

Address: Hillside Nursery, Bury Common Bury RH20 1NR

Proposal: Demolition of existing glasshouse and associated horticultural structures and erection of 7 no. C3 residential dwellings and 7 no. commercial workspace suites (class E(g)), including access landscaping and associated works

BPC Decision: Object- Bury Parish Council (BPC) has monitored the progress of this application with great interest. If approved, it will be by far the largest development in the village for some time and the effect of such a substantial development needs to be fully considered. There are arguments for the development and arguments against and BPC is aware of the considerable tensions that the prospect of the development is causing to its neighbours and in particular to the owners of Southview Farm. Those clearly articulated objections are that the proximity of the new residential development to the farm may affect its 24/7 operation and that parking on the shared access road may compromise access to the fields. The objectors argue there is no case for any development within the village on the west side of the A29. Equally, there is an argument that suggests it could be a positive move for such a development to happen as a village on both sides of the road would promote the sense of the A29 being less of a ‘higher speed’ by-pass and more of a ‘lower speed’ road that passes through a community.
In an ideal world, BPC would have wished the Hillside Nursery would continue as a viable business. This, sadly, is not the case, and its owners are faced with the problem (or the opportunity) of what to do with a derelict site. There are those who would wish to see it returned to a field and agricultural use and, if this was remotely realistic, such a plan would no doubt receive BPC’s full support. The reality, however, is that the buildings exist and there is a legitimate case to be made for an alternative use. BPC is confident that the planning authority will have carried out all the relevant checks on marketing the site in its existing condition and use. It is also confident that it will have precedents to refer to in considering the condition to be imposed to deal with the potentially abrasive issues of a new residential development adjacent to an existing farm. Though BPC supports any negotiations that help protect the operational disciplines of Southview Farm, its position in relation to this application assumes that a change of use is likely to be granted. Its concern is therefore on the quality of the development rather than whether or not it should happen at all.

Given that context, BPC has looked carefully at the design proposal and welcomes it as an imaginative re-use of the disused nursery. The direction is very clear. It is well thought through and it has the potential to be a scheme that is well suited to its site, appropriate in its density and a w