Frequently Asked Questions

Can I attend a parish council meeting?
All members of the public or press are welcome to come along and listen to proceedings. While we are operating with Zoom during the Covid Pandemic please contact the clerk for the link to join our meeting.

Can I speak at a Parish Council Meeting?
You are welcome to speak for five minutes. It helps if we know what you would like to speak about in advance.

Can I see the minutes?
The minutes are uploaded to the website every month as well as displayed on the noticeboards in Bury and West Burton.

Can I raise a topic at a Parish Council Meeting?
You can attend the meeting and discuss your topic under the public questions section or if you feel it needs to be put on the agenda then you are able to contact the chairman to discuss this prior to the meeting.

When and where does the Parish Council meet?
Currently we meet using Zoom software online, however we usually meet in Bury Village Hall. Our full list of meeting dates is on this website.

Who should I contact about highways or drainage issues?
You can either contact http://love.westsussex.gov.uk/reports/home

Where can I find more information about flooding?
Useful information about flooding can be obtained at http://apps.environment-agency.gov.uk/flood/31618.aspx
Bury Village is from time to time vulnerable to flooding. If this occurs it is the responsibility of the Environment Agency, but Bury Parish Council has prepared the short leaflet below to help those likely to be affected. If you feel that your property may be vulnerable to flooding sign up for UK Government flood alerts at: https://www.gov.uk/sign-up-for-flood-warnings?_ga=2.129400652.1336460344.1596184496-2033150430.1583499776

Bury Parish Council Flood Advice Leaflet

Who should I contact if there is a tree that has fallen across a road or looks
Please report this at http://love.westsussex.gov.uk/reports/home

Can anyone launch a boat at Bury Wharf?
No, this is specifically for parishioner use only. We are a small village and do not have the parking or public facilities for it to be used outside of parishioners.