There will be a Christmas Market in support of Chestnut Tree House at Dorset House on Saturday 23rd November from...
Coffee Morning 7th September
The next coffee morning is being held this coming Saturday 7th September from 10.30am in Bury Village Hall when our hosts will be Painting with Friends, a group of residents who enjoy painting and...
Meet Your MP Andrew Griffith at the Squire & Horse 9th May 2024
The Parish Council is excited to announce that it has arranged a 'Meet Your MP' evening at the Squire & Horse pub on 9th May 2024. From 6pm residents are invited to meet Andrew Griffith to hear...
Peter Elson
Bury Parish Council extends condolences to the family and friends of Peter Elson who passed away on 31st March. Peter was a member of the council for a number of years until 2017 and was much...
Bury Apple Pressing & Social Day 14th October
We're delighted to include this report on Bury’s Apple Pressing and Social Day from Judith Daykin: Despite the very rainy start to setting up and erecting the marquee on Friday, Saturday brought...
Coffee morning Saturday 2nd September
The next coffee morning takes place this coming Saturday 2nd September in Bury Village Hall from 10.30am when I am pleased to announce that our hosts will be Painting With Friends, a fairly newly...
Father Peter’s mower
Following Father Peter’s recent retirement, he is due to leave Bury in mid-July and as a consequence needs to sell his ride-on lawnmower with which he managed to keep the vicarage lawn in...
WSCC Highways News
NEW ONLINE REPORTING TOOL WSCC Highways have launched a new online reporting tool and process enabling people to report a problem with a road or pavement such as flooding, blocked drains, potholes,...
BPC Meeting 9th January 2023
The next meeting of Bury Parish Council will be held on Monday 9th January 2023 in Bury Village Hall. Further details, including the agenda, will be issued in our next newsletter due on...
The Bury Christmas Tree
Many thanks once again to Joe and JoJo Godfrey for their kindness in donating the splendid Christmas tree now standing outside the village hall. Thanks also to Judith and Chris Daykin and Gill...