Information, including details of the online public consultation, multiple drop-in consultation events with SDNP for the public and documentation on the SDNP Local Plan...
Winter Management Plan for the Roads Network
Since this is the time of year when adverse weather could affect driving conditions on the trunk and minor roads we need to use in and around Bury, here is an update on the current winter maintenance...
Bury Parish Council – next meeting
The next meeting of Bury Parish Council will be held on Monday 20th January in Bury Village Hall at 6pm. The agenda for the meeting will be published here and notice boards on Wednesday 15th...
A Christmas Tree to Remember: Bury Cubs Spread Festive Cheer
Bury Parish is well and truly in the Christmas spirit as the parish’s much-anticipated Christmas tree has taken pride of place in the heart of the community. This year, the tree is extra special,...
Environment, Assets & Planning Committee Meeting Tuesday 10th December at 6pm
The next meeting of the Environment Assets and Planning Committee Meeting of the Parish Council is being held at Bury Village Hall on Tuesday 10th December 2024 at 6pm. Please note that this meeting...
Temporary Road Closure – Bury Hollow From 28th November
West Sussex County Council has given notice of a temporary closure to traffic of Bury Hollow to enable BT to carry out overhead cabling works. The temporary closure is scheduled to commence on 28th...
Coffee Morning Saturday 7th December
The next coffee morning in Bury Village Hall is being held on Saturday 7th December from 10.30am hosted by Ken Rowsell. Offers to provide a cake and prizes for the raffle will be very much...
Dorset House Christmas Market
There will be a Christmas Market in support of Chestnut Tree House at Dorset House on Saturday 23rd November from...
The Stopham Mount
The front page of the October & November edition of The Link featured a photo of the Stopham Mount, a rare Anglo-Saxon artefact dating from AD 600-770, which, the editor explained, had been found...
Bury, West Burton & District Horticultural Society – New Bench
We are delighted to report that the Horticultural Society have recently donated and installed a new bench at Bury Wharf to accompany the existing one, donated by them some years ago. This will now...