Bury Parish is well and truly in the Christmas spirit as the parish’s much-anticipated Christmas tree has taken pride of place in the heart of the community. This year, the tree is extra special,...
Bury Fete 29th July!
Coronation celebration – come and join the party!
Sunday 7th May 12.30 pm onwards. Tickets to the catered lunch have sold out but come along and join the party on Bury Green! Bring your own picnic, chairs/ tables/ rugs etc. No ticket required and...
Celebration Lunch for King Charles III Coronation
The Bury & West Burton Volunteers invite you to join the Celebration of King Charles III Coronation. Sunday 7th May 12.30 pm onwards Bury Village Hall Tickets: Adult £10.00, Child...
Dates for your diaries from Bury and West Burton Volunteers
SUNDAY 7th MAY His Majesty King Charles III's Coronation Celebration: Sunday 7th May is the day suggested by the Government for 'The Coronation Big Lunch' so the volunteers are just beginning...
Reminder – 2 village hall consultation events coming up!
The two events planned to conclude the Council's consultation on the village hall are fast approaching... First, there will be a drop-in evening at the village hall on Wednesday March 29th from...
2 community events to conclude village hall consultation
Dates for your diary: 29/03/23, 5:30pm - 8:30pm 01/04/23, 10:30am - 1pm Bury Parish Council is pleased to announce two events to conclude our consultation process on our exciting plans to...
Thank you from the Sussex Snowdrop Trust
As previously reported, part of the proceeds of the Bury Village Christmas Lunch held in December were donated to the Sussex Snowdrop Trust, which provides nursing care at home for local children...
Bury Christmas Lunch
For the first time since December 2019, the Bury Christmas Lunch returned to the village hall on Thursday 15th December and proved a great success with more than sixty residents enjoying a...
Bury Christmas Lunch – Thursday 15th December from 12 noon
After a break of three years, the ever-popular Bury Village Christmas Lunch returns to Bury Village Hall on Thursday 15th December! Tickets at £10 per person, which includes a glass of wine as...