It has come to the attention of many parishioners that there is a small group of dog owners who are continuing to let their dogs foul footpaths and verges without clearing up after them. It is not without considerable expense that the Parish pays for two dog mess bins to be sited and cleared on a regular basis, one of which is at the Wharf and the other at the Crossroads (The Square) and they are there for the convenience of dog owners.
Every effort will be made to halt this behaviour and on behalf of all residents we thank responsible dog owners for their continued work in ensuring they clear up after their dogs and dispose of the mess responsibly. It has also been noted that one dog owner at the Crossroads seems unable to lift the lid of the Dog mess bin to place the contents inside the bin. It is not acceptable to leave bags besides the bin – if it is full, please use the regular bin which is allowed by Chichester District Services, or take it home as it is your dog’s mess – do not leave it on the grass or roadside.
A reminder that failing to clear up after your dog is against the law and Chichester District Council Enforcement impose a fine of £100 for the offence (reducing to £75 if paid within 14 days). If fines are not paid and a case goes to court, the maximum penalty for dog fouling is £1,000.