– Organised by the Bury Fete Committee in conjunction with, and in aid of Arun Churches.
Would you like to offer your support?
If you have something to contribute, here are some options….
Bury Boutique:
Please deliver any of your good quality unwanted clothes, shoes, accessories etc. to: The Gargoyles, The Street, Bury between 12th and 26th July. Leave in boxes in the front garden if no-one’s home. Any questions, or for earlier deliveries, please call Judith on 07534 361700 or email jmhartle@btinternet.com.
Book and Jigsaws:
These can be delivered to Susie Maynard’s garage in Bury at the times below. Any questions, please call Susie Maynard on 07702 153044 or email her at susiemaynard@hotmail.co.uk
These can also be delivered to Susie Maynard’s garage in Bury as below:
Sun 21st July 12:00 to 14:00 |
Wed 24th July 15:00 to 16:00 |
Mon 22nd July 17:00 to 18:00 |
Thur 25th July 17:00 to 18:00 |
Tue 23rd July 17:00 to 18:00 |
Fri 26th July 12:00 to 14:00 |
Someone will be there to meet you and accept the items. Do not leave anything outside the garage except at these times. Any questions, please call Rosemarie Glithero on 07519511451 or email her on roglithero@yahoo.co.uk.
Cake Stall:
Cakes can be delivered to Janet Mattey or Sarah Young on Friday July 26th or early Saturday 27th morning, or please call Janet (01798 839122) or Sarah (07778 186657) to arrange collection.
Tombola Prizes:
Please deliver to Ken and Diana Rowsell at Cokes Farm or email dianaandkenrowsell@gmail.com
Raffle Prizes:
Please contact Fiona Mills at fionapenelopemills@gmail.com to donate or if you can help to sell tickets.
Cakes for the Teas:
Cakes can be delivered to Susie at Penfolds, The Street, Bury on Friday July 26th or brought directly to the fete on Saturday 27th.
Other ways to help:
Could you:
Help us with transporting and setting up tables/gazebos etc. on Friday 26th July afternoon/early evening?
Help us with some clearing up afterwards on the 27th?
Join one of the teams to man the barbecue, the boutique, sell drinks, books, cakes, make and serve teas?
Summer Flower Show at The Fete
A reminder please that all entry forms for exhibits at the show should be submitted by Wednesday 24th July – you can deliver to Richard Mattey at Downland, The Street, Bury, phone him on 01798 839 122 or email him at janet_richard@btinternet.com
Staging of exhibits in the Bury, West Burton & District Horticultural Society’s marquee at Dorset House takes place between 9.30am and 10.45am on the morning of the show.
Any of the above, please contact Judith on 07534 361700 or email bwbvolunteers21@gmail.com
Any problem, please shout!
Many thanks
Judith M Daykin (Hartle)
Tel: 01798 839174
Mobile: 07534 361700
email: jmhartle@btinternet.com