
Our application for changes at Pill Pond

Bury Parish Council last year passed a resolution to adopt a plan proposed by SDNPA and the Wild Trout Trust to remove the weirs impounding the pond and allow the pond area to revert to a natural stream environment thereby enhancing the site’s biodiversity and ecological connectivity, as well as removing the need for periodic desilting of the pond and repairs to the weirs.
The attached documents are those submitted in support of our application for planning permission for this engineering work.
A comprehensive description of the background, proposed works and benefits can be found in the Design and Access Statement.

A planning application has now been submitted to SDNPA which you can access on their website by searching the reference SDNP/22/02265/FUL


West Burton Stream Design & Access Statement

Pill Pond – arboricultural method statement


Pill Common site plan_ before stream restoration & access improvements_OS basemap

Pill Common site plan_ after stream restoration & access improvements_OS basemap

Pill Common site plan_ before stream restoration & access improvements_aerial basemap

Pill Common PEA and BNG Plan March 2022

Pill Common site plan_ after stream restoration & access improvements_aerial basemap

Pill Common location plan_OS basemap

Biodiversity Metric 3.0 West Burton Stream March 2022

Noise Light & Flood Risk Impact Assessments

A4 scale drawing of longitudinal channel section A4 scale drawing of channel cross-section_ upstream

A4 scale drawing of channel cross-section_downstream