
Your Voice: The People’s Panel

West Sussex County Council (WSCC) are currently inviting residents to have their say by taking part in consultations on certain local issues: –

NHS Sussex needs your help and is asking people to complete a short survey and help them to understand how people feel about the NHS, what would help them to stay well this winter, what the priorities should be, and what’s important where they live. More information, including the survey which closes on 6th November, can be found here.

WSCC is working with local bus companies to help improve services and is encouraging senior residents to return to the buses and to take full advantage of their eligible free pass. Residents aged 65 and over are invited to air their views on what they think of bus travel in the county by taking part in the BUS it! Survey by 4th November, with a chance to win £100 worth of shopping vouchers. Full details can be found here.