
Pill Pond, West Burton, new proposals

The Pill Pond in West Burton is designated within the Bury Neighbourhood Development Plan as a Local Green Space, much cherished by the local community although it does present us with a number of ongoing repair and maintenance issues such as dredging and silt trap and bank refurbishing. At the request of a South Downs National Park ranger, a report was commissioned to explore options for the sustainable management of the location and this issue was discussed by BPC’s Environment and Planning Committee at their meeting on 12th April. A link to the report is included below so that parishioners can see what is being proposed. It must be stressed that at this stage it is simply a proposal that is being considered and any implementation would, amongst other things, very much depend on the availability of grant funding. BPC are obviously concerned about the historic and community value of the Pill Pond and are keen to hear from parishioners with any views they may have.

West Burton Stream and Pill Pond Project Proposal