
Pill Pond: A brief history of the last 18 months

As some parishioners are aware, Bury Parish Council  in 2021 passed a resolution to adopt a plan proposed by the South Downs National Park Authority and the Wild Trout Trust to remove the weirs impounding Pill Pond in West Burton and allow the pond area to revert to a natural stream environment, thereby enhancing the site’s biodiversity and ecological connectivity, as well as removing the need for periodic desilting of the pond and repairs to the weirs. As reported recently in the BPC newsletter and website, the works for this project are nearing completion.

It has recently become clear that a number of residents were not aware of the discussions and plans concerning Pill Pond. Councillors wanted to take this opportunity to explain how we have arrived at the current position for this important community asset by outlining how those plans progressed over the last 18 months.

In March 2021, BPC received a written proposal from Andy Thomas of the Wild Trout Trust to replace the pond with a stream, which was noted on 12 April 2021 at the EPC meeting.

The Council was very aware at the time that these plans should be as transparent as possible and allow residents to engage. They were subject to numerous council/committee meetings (x10) and featured regularly in newsletters (x4) and on the website (x6). A West Burton resident was in attendance for a lot of these meetings, which other residents could have also attended, and the Council even considered a management plan devised by a group of West Burton residents.

In addition to the above, there have been many emails between Councillors and a number of residents on this subject going back to April 2021. Councillor Chris Daykin and SDNPA Ranger Charles Winchester also met with interested parties at Pill Pond on at least three occasions.

Bury Parish Council communicates with Parishioners through a variety of means:

● Weekly newsletter delivered by email
● Website
● Agendas for Council Meetings
● Bi-monthly Parish Council meetings
● Bi-monthly Environment & Planning Committee meetings
● Extraordinary Council meetings
● Email contact through The Clerk Mike Simpson and Councillors
● Social media
● Meetings in the Community

How to sign up for the BPC weekly newsletters delivered by email? complete the ‘Join our newsletter’ section at the bottom of the page, or email and our Clerk Mike Simpson will sign you up, or Call Mike on 07894 858048 and ask him to sign you up.

The dates of Council meetings are posted in the events calendar on our website, with agendas posted on notice boards a few days before each meeting.

How can we improve our communication?
Bury Parish Council is keen to ensure it communicates effectively and to as many parishioners as possible. With this in mind, please get in touch with our Clerk Mike Simpson (contact details above) should you have any thoughts or suggestions for Councillors to consider.