
Parish Priority Statement – Seeking Your Views!

As reported in last week’s newsletter, South Downs National Park Authority has asked each parish in the National Park to complete a Parish Priority Statement to contribute to its review of its Local Plan in line with Government Policy and to ensure the Plan delivers on corporate priorities relating to Climate Action, Renature and a National Park for All. To begin the process, Bury Parish Councillors have produced a draft of a possible response but it should be very clear that these aspirational suggestions are intended to stimulate a conversation and we are very much looking forward to hearing parishioners’ views and suggestions.

Consequently, you are invited to record your responses using an online survey, including approval or otherwise of each suggestion with a space for your comments on each. Please note the deadline for responses is Sunday 3rd September. For more details of the Parish Priority Statement and access to the survey please see here: – Parish Priority Statement – Bury Parish Council.

Parishioners seeking further information or wishing to discuss any aspects of the Parish Priority Statement are invited to attend one of the informal meetings being held by the parish council in Bury Village Hall on Monday 14th August 6pm – 7.30pm and Saturday 2nd September 10am – 12pm.