
Dates for your diaries from Bury and West Burton Volunteers

His Majesty King Charles III’s Coronation Celebration:
Sunday 7th May is the day suggested by the Government for ‘The Coronation Big Lunch’ so the volunteers are just beginning to plan an event for Bury at the village hall. More information will follow but please save the date!

Arun Churches Fête, Bury:
The Churches Fête traditionally held at Dorset House School will go ahead on the 29th July. The volunteers are contacting those who helped with the fête in previous years, and hope that many of you will be able to do so again, but would also appreciate some ‘new blood’ into the Fête Planning team. Please let Judith Daykin know if you’re interested.

END OF SEPT/ EARLY OCT one FRIDAY evening and SATURDAY daytime (exact dates to be confirmed)
Social Evening and Apple Pressing:
This double event has been so popular in recent years, it is continuing! Friday evening will just be a relaxed get-together with some music, food and a few glasses (!), and on Saturday we’ll bring the apple pressing equipment, you bring your apples and take home the juice! Once again, we’ll need helpers so do come forward if you can dedicate a little time.