The next coffee morning takes place this coming Saturday 2nd September in Bury Village Hall from 10.30am when I am pleased to announce that our hosts will be Painting With Friends, a fairly newly formed group of residents who enjoy painting and drawing when they meet each Tuesday morning in the village hall. The sessions are for all levels and led by a tutor. Sue Wright is the group’s organiser and she will be on hand to provide more information should you be interested in joining.
As well as meeting up with friends and neighbours and enjoying coffee and cake together, there will also be the opportunity to view samples of the group’s work.
Parish Council members will also be there to chat through the Parish Priority Statement and help anyone struggling with IT to fill out the survey online.
As always, offers to donate a cake or a raffle prize will be greatly appreciated.
For further information on the Coffee Mornings please contact John Labarte on 01798-831174.