With Christmas and New Year done and dusted, Bury Parish Council’s proposals for a new-look village hall are back in the spotlight.
We have had a splendid response to our appeal for residents to pledge their support for the project, with the vast majority of respondents very much in favour. We would like to thank the many residents who have indicated their support.
There are still many parishioners who have not yet backed the proposals, however. And although we are now in 2023, it’s still important for you to cast your vote if you want to have your say. So if you support the plan, in principle, for a social hub at the heart of our community, please return the slip in your leaflet or vote online here. This is vital, as fundraising for the project can only begin if we can demonstrate strong community support. Every vote counts and does not in any way mean you are pledging financial or active support.
One possible concern regarding returning the voting slip might be how we will pay for the project. The parish council is looking at options for raising the funds, including grant funding applications, public works loans and local fundraising efforts. But whatever the eventual decision, the parish council is emphatic the project will not begin unless and until the necessary funding is in place.
There have been a few residents with reservations about the details of the plan, and this has resulted in a series of meetings with parish councillors and residents engaging in constructive discussions. These positive contributions are helping Bury Parish Council refine its proposals further and some exciting amendments to the plans will follow shortly.
Following Bury Parish Council’s meeting on January 9th, it is expected that dates for a couple of events related to the project will be announced. It is hoped this will include a social event at the village hall when villagers can meet informally with councillors and discuss the latest proposals in a convivial atmosphere. And it is expected that the date for a public meeting in the spring will also be decided.
Meanwhile, if you have any thoughts or comments to make on the proposals or you did not receive a copy of the leaflet, please email clerk@buryparishcouncil.org.uk
Here’s a PDF of the leaflet, and here are the full file of plans and elevations by Victoria Holland Architects, who were commissioned to do the work by Bury Parish Council.