
Bury Hill tree felling

Following the Ash Dieback work in January resulting in the loss of two thousand trees, Bury Hill looks somewhat bare and untidy in parts. Mike Simpson has been in contact with West Sussex County Council in relation to any plans for replanting. However, due to financial constraints it seems that WSCC prefer the natural regeneration solution. The following is the response from the Ash Dieback Project Manager: –

‘Now that the ground has been opened up to light, natural regeneration will take place.  The advantage of natural regeneration is that the seed source is already well adapted to the soils and moisture regimes specific to that local environment.  For further information, you may find this website of interest.

Should the funding be made available for replanting, to ensure the replacement planted trees successfully establish, a programme of ongoing management and watering would be needed during the 3-5 year establishment period. Replanting also introduces other environmental hazards such as plastic waste through the need to use tree guards during the establishment phase.  Also, the time for replanted trees to reach maturity will not be dissimilar to the time for natural regeneration to take place and reach maturity.

An additional consideration for this particular site that has now been brought to my attention is the presence of chalk grassland and the opportunity afforded by the recent felling works to address ash dieback for restoring this area of chalk grassland.’

Bury Parish Council await to hear back about the extent of the felling and if there are plans for any more.