
Ash Dieback Disease

WSCC Highways have informed us of works that have been scheduled to remove ash trees infected with ash dieback disease in three locations in the Bury area as follows:

Location 1 – B2138  Fittleworth Road at Tripp Hill (near junction with Waltham Park Road)
Works will take place between 14th and 16th November between 09:00am and 15:30pm

Location 2 / 3 – A 29, Bury Road, Bury. East and West sides of the highway between The Hollow and The Street
Works will take place between 6th and 11th December between 9:30am and 15:30pm

Location 4 – A29, Bury Road, Bury at the junction with the B2138
Works will take place between 12th and 15th December between 9:30am and 15.30pm