We are pleased to report that Andrew Griffith MP is still very active in his efforts on the anti-social speeding/noise problem and has written to Bury Parish Council describing the action he is taking against motorcycle noise and anti-social and dangerous riding of motorbikes and assures us that this is a matter that he will continue to address with all the relevant organisations that have a role to play. As we reported previously, Andrew’s efforts have led to the Police and Crime Commissioner Katy Bourne making the issue a priority and Andrew has been out with the police team on Operation Downsway a number of times and reports that this has resulted in considerable enforcement activity and penalties being issued.
On Sunday, the 23rd August, Sussex Police Chief Constable, Jo Shiner (accompanied by Katy Bourne and Andrew) held a roadside briefing in Wisborough Green to speak to residents and parish councillors from neighbouring areas and see for herself the problems experienced along the A272.
Jo Shiner, made it clear how committed she is to remove the blight from our roads, including Bury and West Burton and reported that Sussex Police have short, medium and long-term plans for this issue with Operation Downsway set to continue after September. She also described how new technology would shortly be deployed by the police to tackle the problem, including the use of drones capable of recording speeds from overhead. Tests are also being carried out on noise level machinery, taking a lead from Cambridgeshire and Europe.
A new specialist traffic task force is being deployed by Sussex police in January for this initiative and with a number of experiments and tests taking place, the police will only support actions which are sustainable, i.e. whereby any prosecution would have a 99.9% chance of success using these various technologies.
The Bury Parish Councillor present had a private conversation with the Chief Constable in which she indicated that basically she would be very much in favour of the deployment of average speed cameras on Bury Hill.
Sussex Police were in Bury with the camera van on Sunday, resulting in a relatively quiet weekend and we re-iterate our thanks to them for their efforts throughout the summer to significantly reduce anti-social behaviour on our roads.