
We’ve hit our broadband target… but we still need your pledges

Signing up for Broadband

Great News, yes we did it! 
we reached our initial target of 100%
11th February 2022

Dear Parishioners and Business owners,
Firstly, I want to thank all those who have signed up to this initiative already, or who have encouraged others to do so. Thank you all for your support, as this really has been a community wide effort.
What Happens Next?
Openreach is busy checking that all of our pledges are valid and eligible, before sending the information to The Government Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sports (DCMS). Openreach have told me that it is not unusual to find pledges that are invalid, which can lead to a reduction in the pledge total.
What should we do now?
To safeguard our Bury Parish Community Broadband project, we should continue the excellent work of encouraging others to sign up by pledging their Gigabit vouchers towards the pledge total. This will act as a buffer in case any invalid pledges are deducted.
More good news!
As I write to you, pledges are continuing to come in and we have already exceeded 100% with 129 homes and 24 businesses signed up.

Openreach build status updates
If you sign up and pledge your voucher, you can opt for email updates which will give you progress reports for the project.

Next Steps

  • Once Openreach is satisfied that we have enough valid pledges, the Government (DCMS) will send an email asking us to validate our Gigabit vouchers within 28 days.  

  • When sufficient Gigabit vouchers are validated Openreach will begin the process of building the infrastructure upgrade.

Find out more about what happens next, visit:


Take-away message
Please continue to sign up by pledging your Gigabit voucher, or encouraging others to do so. We have until 28th February to pledge as many vouchers as possible.

Two key members of our Community Broadband Brigade would like to share a quick message with you on this short video: Watch our Video of the week better-broadband-for-bury-video-of-the-week

More information on signing up and pledging your voucher, it takes just a few minutes, visit the links below:

To Sign Up – Click the link below, then scroll to the bottom and click the GREEN button, then enter your postcode and complete the online form

Or via the Bury Parish Council website at:


Still have questions? Visit the Broadband section at:
Or email Broadband Community lead or Mike Simpson our Parish Clerk: or

Thank you for your time

Kind regards
Richard Champness
Chair, Bury Parish Council