
Parish Council news

Annual Parish Photo Competition
A reminder that the closing date for entries to the photo competition is 31st January 2021 so if you would like to submit a photo of any subject taken in the parish during 2020 please send your entry to the parish clerk, Mike Simpson at  There is no fee to enter and the winning photo will be displayed in the entrance foyer of the village hall.

Bury Parish Council welcomes the opportunity for pre-application planning discussions with applicants and/or developers and their agents before a planning application is submitted. These discussions may be beneficial to both applicants and the residents of Bury. The Parish Council is a statutory consultee for all planning applications in Bury. Its role is to comment on applications and forward recommendations to the local planning authorities, Chichester District Council (ADC) and The South Downs National Park Authority (SDNPA). BPC has chosen to adopt a protocol for pre-application planning consultations and engagement so that developers; applicants; the Council and residents are aware of the status of such discussions. For full details please see here:
BPC-Preapplication-discussions.pdf (

Environment and Planning Sub Committee Meeting
The next online meeting of Bury Parish Council’s Environment and Planning Sub Committee takes place on Monday 1st February at 6.30pm, the agenda for which can be found here: –
EP-meeting-1st-February-2021.pdf (

Members of the public are welcome to attend this meeting and speak for a maximum of five minutes about an item on the agenda for this meeting during the Public Session at the discretion of the Chair. Please email the clerk at  or call 07894585048 if you wish to speak.