The draft minutes of the meeting of Bury Parish Council held on 17th January have been posted on the council’s website, on the notice boards and can also be accessed here: –
Renovation of Finger Post Signs (as per item 11 of the draft minutes)
The historic black and white West Sussex County Council fingerpost signs at various road junctions throughout the parish are much admired by residents and visitors alike and are listed in our Neighbourhood Development Plan as Parish Heritage Assets. Unfortunately, financial pressures faced by county councils leave no scope for the maintenance of these iconic signs so that upkeep and repair falls upon parish councils and volunteer groups etc. Most of the signs in our parish are now in urgent need of restoration so Bury Parish Council have agreed to fund the repair of six signs in all with the work to be carried out over the next few months so that come summer, the signs will once again look resplendent as they point the way to various locations in the parish.