
Horticultural Society Roses Talk – May 23rd

Bury, West Burton and District Horticultural Society were delighted to welcome almost 40 parishioners on Monday evening who enjoyed a lively presentation by Elizabeth Sawday of Apuldram Roses who explained not only the various groups of roses and their history but covered the care process from initial planting to pruning and keeping the dreaded blackspot and mildew at bay!  A very engaged question and answer session concluded the proceedings.

Apuldram Roses can be visited at their nursery at Crouchers Farm, 163 Birdham Road, Chichester. PO20 7EQ (near Dell Quay on Chichester Harbour). They are the only remaining rose growers in West Sussex and Elizabeth explained she would be delighted to offer visitors advice as to the variety of roses best suited for their gardens. Their website can be accessed here.

It is good to see the Horticultural Society up and running again after the Covid-enforced break – this was their third event of 2022 following the Spring Flower Show in March and the Plant Sale held in conjunction with the May coffee morning. It is hoped to stage an Autumn Flower Show in September and a Plant Sale in conjunction with the October coffee morning. Further details will follow nearer to the events concerned.

If you would like more information about the Society – or are interested in joining the organising committee – please contact Gill Labarte on 01798-831174 or email her at