
Hirers back at Village Hall

We are pleased to report that, following the re-opening of the village hall in August, most of our regular hirers have commenced operations again under the Covid-19 guidelines governing their particular activity.

The hall now plays host to the Matt Fiddes Martial Arts Group (Tuesdays), the Boathouse Ballet School (Wednesdays) and the Bury & Pulborough Dance Club (Thursdays and Fridays). We hope shortly to welcome back the Martletts Short Mat Bowls Group (Mondays) once they have had clearance from their Association to resume in the light of the Covid-19 guidelines.

Jacqui Hillier has just this week restarted the Cornflakes and Chill Out Club in the Sydney Room – afternoons only for the time being but hopefully mornings as well in due course.

If you are interested in joining any of these groups, please email the parish clerk who can provide you with the relevant contact details.

Could we please remind residents that the village hall car park is provided for the benefit of hall users. We rely upon the income from hirers of the hall to ensure it can remain operational for the benefit of the community so now we are open for business again, if you are not a hall user (nor a tenant of Bury Parish Council) then could you please make arrangements to park elsewhere.