
Coronavirus update

National Vaccination Update
Across the UK, around 22 million people have now had a Coronavirus vaccination and over one million people have received their second dose. During this week, NHS England are writing to those aged between 56 and 59 with an invitation to have their first jab and the Health Secretary has confirmed that “we remain on track to offer a first vaccination to all adults by July 31st.

Local Vaccination Update
For the latest news on vaccination progress from Pulborough Medical Group please see here
For the Arundel surgery please see here

Roadmap To Ease Lockdown – Step 1
March 8th saw the introduction of Step 1 (phase 1) whereby all children and students returned for education in schools and colleges along with some university students on practical courses. Wraparound childcare and other supervised children’s activities are permitted to resume where they enable parents to work, seek work and attend education etc. Care home residents are now allowed one regular visitor who must be tested and wear PPE.

However, the Stay at Home rules remain in force but people can now leave home for recreation outdoors (not in private gardens) such as a coffee or picnic with their household or support bubble, or with one person outside their household. The current social distancing and face covering protocols remain in force. The full Government guidance on the Stay at Home rules reflecting the changes from 8th March can be found here

The second phase of Step 1 begins on 29th March, permitting outdoor gatherings (including in private gardens) of 6 people or 2 households. Outdoor sports such as tennis and golf can resume and people can take part in formally organised outdoor sports. The Stay at Home order will end although many lockdown conditions will remain. We will report further on this towards the end of the month.

Keep well and stay safe and if you require help with shoppong or prescriptions please contact
Fr. Peter Mallinson (Bury) 839057 or Ken & Diana Rowsell (West Burton) on 831475