A reminder that our monthly coffee mornings are set to resume this Saturday 4th December in Bury Village Hall commencing at 10.30am.
Please note that the wearing of face coverings is not mandatory inside village and community halls although government guidance recommends their continued use in confined spaces such as on arrival, leaving and when using communal areas such as corridors and toilets – but where food or drink is consumed in part of a premises, you do not need to wear a face covering in the area wholly or mainly used for eating and drinking. In accordance with hygiene requirements under our COVID-19 risk assessment, all tables, chairs, door handles etc, will have been disinfected before use and hand sanitisers will be placed in various locations throughout the building. Tables will be sited with reasonable distance between them and adequate ventilation provided.
We look forward to seeing you there and please contact John Labarte on 831174 if you require any further information.