
Bury Parish Full Fibre Broadband update

Update from Richard Champness, BPC Chair and Community Broadband Lead:

Openreach have told me that as the build of our community upgrade progresses there are now 279 addresses out of a total 339 that have been commissioned and so should be able to order a Full Fibre FTTP service. In fact, some of the more isolated addresses in the parish are also now being connected.

As a result of the delay to the build, Openreach have applied to GOV UK for an extension on the voucher expiry date which is currently 15/11/23. Vouchers holders should hear news about the voucher deadline directly from Openreach by email. This is important to note in order that you can comply with the Voucher terms and conditions.

A number of you have reported that your Internet/phone bills have decreased since signing up to the FTTP service, which is really good to hear.

Are you a Voucher holder? Openreach should let you know by email when you will be able to order FTTP for your address.

Voucher holder or NOT – Here are some Openreach links for information on what FTTP can do for you and to find out if it is available to order at your address:

I suggest that if the service is not currently available to order you could regularly look up your address here

Click on the purple tab marked fibre checker right side of screen.