
Apple Day

Apple Pressing Day takes place on Bury Green/Playground at the rear of the village hall, commencing at 12 noon and will finish at 4.00pm. Please bring along your cooking and eating apples (not rotten or badly bruised!) and sufficient bottles for your juice, plastic if you wish to freeze the juice but we will be offering advice as to how to pasteurise in which case bottles are probably best. As a guide 2kg of apples will yield about I litre of juice.

Please note that COVID-19 restrictions as regards hygiene measures and social distancing apply to Bury Green and there is a one-way system in operation for entry to and exit from the Green – please see the notices displayed on site. Unfortunately, the complications arising from the COVID-19 measures mean that we will not be running a barbecue or children’s games on this occasion. The extra measures applying to the use of community halls (as described in the previous item) will mean that the village hall will not be open on Apple Pressing Day. Could residents please ensure that the village hall car park is kept free on 12th September.