
Overdue library books!

The following extract from an update from the Libraries Service may be of particular interest to any library users who have yet to return overdue books for which late return fees have not been charged due to the pandemic.

Time to find and return those overdue books!

Has it been a while since you visited the library? We’d love to see you! Have you still got items on loan? These can be returned to your local library and, if you can’t make it while we’re open, many of them have large letterboxes available for returning your loans out of hours.
Have you had the books out for a long time? At the moment – due to the pandemic – we aren’t charging any late return fees. But our overdue, reservation and hire charges will be returning from 1 April so, if you can get the books back to us before the end of March, you don’t need to worry about owing us anything.
If you are worried about any future overdue charges you can sign up for pre-overdue notifications so you can renew your loans ahead of time. Don’t forget that you can renew your loans online, or by using our West Sussex Libraries app (available from your app store).