
BPC extraordinary meeting and E&P meeting

Bury Parish Council Extraordinary Meeting – Monday 21st February at 6.00pm
The next meeting of Bury Parish Council is being held in Bury Village Hall on Monday 21st February commencing at 6.00pm. Members of the public are welcome to join the meeting and speak for a maximum of five minutes about an item on the agenda during the Public Session at the discretion of the Chair. The agenda has been posted on the council’s website and the noticeboards and can also be accessed here.

Essentially, this meeting relates to an item concerning the planned refurbishment of the village hall and is expected to take 30 minutes. It will then be followed immediately by: –

Bury Parish Council Environment & Planning Committee Meeting – Monday 21st February at 6.30pm

The next meeting of the E&P Committee is being held in Bury Village Hall on Monday 21st February commencing at 6.30pm. Members of the public are welcome to attend this meeting and speak for a maximum of five minutes about an item on the agenda for this meeting during the Public Session at the discretion of the Chair.

The agenda for the meeting has been posted on the Bury Parish Council website and the notice boards and can also be accessed here: – EP-Agenda-21st-February-2022.pdf (

Planning applications received by the South Downs National Park Authority – the local planning authority – which have been notified to Bury Parish Council in its role as a consultee can be found on the BPC website here: – Planning Application Decisions – Bury Parish Council

Further information can be found if you click on the link to the SDNPA website in the first line and then enter the application reference number in the search bar on the SDNPA page. Also to be discussed at the meeting is a pre-application request to SDNPA for advice on a proposed development to establish a new holding and house on the site of an existing farmstead on land comprising Pill Field and Big Bury Croft in West Burton – reference SDNP/22/00480/PRE