
Coronavirus update

In last week’s Newsletter we provided coverage of the rules regarding the need for self- isolation (and the fines for non-compliance) together with information on the Test and Trace scheme including the new COVID-19 app designed to help control the transmission of coronavirus. Previous Newsletters have covered such aspects as social contact, face coverings, visiting public places, taking part in activities, going to work, using public transport and so on. Quite a lot to take in and remember so we do strongly recommend that you have a look at the latest version of the Government’s Frequently Asked Questions document which provides an extremely comprehensive guide to what you can and cannot do in a wide variety of situations and settings – it can be accessed here: –

We know that in certain parts of the country more severe lockdown conditions have been imposed as a result of significant rises in coronavirus infections. In West Sussex, fortunately, case numbers have been much lower but we have been alerted by Amberley Parish Council that they understand there are now cases of Covid-19 in the area bordering the Wildbrooks parishes, including
Pulborough. So, as the virus approaches ever closer, it is important that in order to maintain the safety of our community we all stay alert and strictly follow current government guidance.

Getting Tested
For the latest Government guidance on coronavirus testing, including who is eligible for a test and
how to get tested, please see here: –

Travel Corridors
For the latest list of countries, territories and regions from where you can travel to England and may not have to self-isolate please see here: –

Stay well, keep safe and if you need help with shopping or medical prescriptions please contact: –
Fr. Peter Mallinson (Bury) 839057 or Ken & Diana Rowsell (West Burton) on 831475