
Coronavirus update

National Vaccination Update
A total of 61 million doses of a Coronavirus vaccine have now been administered. More than 38 million people (72% of the adult population) have had their first dose and 23m their second. In England, people aged 32 and 33 can book their first dose through the national booking service on 119 or online – please see here.

In the coming days, the Prime Minister is expected to provide an update on the latest data surrounding the Indian variant of coronavirus and give an indication as to the prospects for the implementation of Step 4 under the Government’s roadmap on June 21st when it is hoped that restrictions on social contact will be lifted.

Local Vaccination Update
For the latest news from the Pulborough surgery, please see here: –
For patients of the Arundel surgery, please see here: –

Stay well and keep safe and if you require help with shopping or prescriptions, please contact
Fr. Peter Mallinson (Bury) 839057 or Ken & Diana Rowsell (West Burton) 831475