
Coronavirus update

National Vaccination Update
Across the UK, over 24 million people have now had their first Coronavirus vaccination and over 1.5 million have received their second dose. A significant boost in the supply of vaccines will enable the NHS to administer up to one million doses a day in the coming weeks. During this week, NHS England are issuing invitations to those over 50 – some three weeks ahead of the Government’s target, with the expectation now that all adults over 40 will have been offered a first jab before Easter.

Local Vaccine Update
Pulborough Medical Group are now offering first vaccinations to all patients aged 50 and over as well as those patients classed as “at risk”. Appointments are available this week  – please phone the surgery on 01798-872815 to book. Pateints who had their first vaccination between 29th December and 9th January are being contacted to arrange their second dose appointment but if you prefer you can phone the surgery to book. The PMG website can be accessed here: –

For an update from the Arundel Surgery please see here: –

Stay well and keep safe – and if you require help with shopping or prescriptions please contact
Fr. Peter Mallinson (Bury) 839057 or Ken & Diana Rowsell (West Burton) 831475