
Coronavirus update

National Restrictions From 5th November
Remembering the many rules and protocols contained within the Government’s Guidance communications, which we have included in our Newsletters during the past eight months, has been somewhat challenging at the best of times and the latest New National Restrictions Guide from 5th  November is no exception. However, the Cabinet Office have just produced an Easy Read version of this, with illustrations, which we felt was a useful visual aid to accompany the more comprehensive text version and it can be found here.

Social Distancing – Visual Aid
In similar vein to the National Restrictions Guide, the Cabinet Office have also produced an Easy Read guide to social distancing which might be useful as a quick reference guide should you be in any doubt! The guide can be found here.

Boost for Pubs and Restaurants & Cafes
The Government have announced that pubs, restaurants and cafes will get automatic freedoms to provide takeaway services for another year. Following introduction of the initial lockdown in March of this year, which led to the closure of these businesses, rules were relaxed to enable them to offer a takeaway service during the pandemic, without having to go through the normal planning application process. This was due to end on 23rd March 2021 but will now be extended by another year to 23rd March 2022. The government will also consider whether to make these reforms permanent. Further details can be seen here.

Keep well and stay safe and do not hesitate to ask for help with shopping or medical prescriptions by contacting: –
Fr. Peter Mallinson (Bury) 839057 or Ken & Diana Rowsell (West Burton) 831475