
Chichester District Council news

Following consultation, CDC will introduce changes to off-street parking in the Chichester District from 1st April. CDC comment that “the increase proposed is very modest and will help ensure that our parking charges remain competitive with neighbouring towns. The rise will not apply to all tariffs and in fact some of our tariffs will be reducing”. For further information please see here.

CDC have announced the trial of a kerbside collection scheme for textiles and small electrical items for recycling. The trial, which will cover 75% of the district, is due to start this summer and will run until early 2022 when a decision will be made whether to provide the service across the whole district. For more information please see here.

We are pleased to hear that our district councillor, Alan Sutton, has returned to his duties following his recovery from an illness. Alan is the Chichester District Councillor for Fittleworth Ward and is also the Chichester District Council Cabinet member for Housing, Licensing, Communications & Events and an elected Public Patient Governor for St Richard’s Hospital and Worthing Hospital. Alan was also instrumental in setting up the working group involving a number of neighbouring parishes aimed at finding a permanent solution to the anti-social road use problem on the A29 in Bury and other local areas. If you need Alan’s help in any way, he can be contacted at