
BPC planning matters

Environment & Planning Committee Meeting – 8th November 2021 The draft minutes of this meeting have been posted on the Bury Parish Council website and on the noticeboards – they can also be...

Planning applications/decisions

Details of planning applications received by Bury Parish Council in its role as a consultee can be seen on our website and can also be accessed here: - Planning Application Decisions – Bury Parish...

Planning applications

The following are reproduced from the CDC and SDNPA Weekly List and Decisions List for week 40 SDNP/21/03894/TCA Proposal: Notification of intention to fell 3 no. Ash trees (quoted as...

Planning applications and decisions

APPLICATIONS Shown below are current planning applications referred to BPC as consultee: - Reference: SDNP/20/04086/HOUS: Cokes Barn West Burton Road West Burton RH20 1HD: Annex extension...

Paw Paddock planning application

Towards the end of last year, an application was made for the creation of a dog exercising compound in a field in Houghton Lane. This met with considerable opposition from a number of residents in...

Planning reforms

In September last year, we reported on the reaction by Chichester District Council to the widely unpopular planning reforms proposed by the Government that would have included the use of an algorithm...