Environment & Planning Committee Meeting
The draft minutes of the meeting of the Environment & Planning Committee held on 21st February have now been posted on the BPC website and the notice boards and can also be accessed here: –
Parish Councillor Vacancy
There is currently a vacancy for one position available on Bury Parish Council, presenting the opportunity to join with the eight current councillors to work in the interests of our residents and protect the identity and character of the parish for the enjoyment of parishioners and visitors alike. Further information is provided in the notice now appearing on the noticeboards and which can also be accessed here: – Vacancy Notice – March 2022.pdf
Please note that applications should reach the Council by 14th March 2022.
Bury Parish Council – Next Meeting
The next meeting of Bury Parish Council will be held on Wednesday 23rd March in Bury Village Hall commencing at 7.30pm. Further details including the agenda for the meeting will be provided nearer the date.