Environment & Planning Committee Meeting – 8th November 2021
The draft minutes of this meeting have been posted on the Bury Parish Council website and on the noticeboards – they can also be accessed here: – EP-Minutes-8th-November-2021.
On the subject of planning applications, our parish clerk, Mike Simpson, provides more details of the role of the parish council in dealing with applications in the following note: –
A parish council is a statutory consultee in the planning process which means it is requested to comment on every application submitted within Bury parish. The planning application notifications are sent from the local planning authority which in our case is either Chichester District Council or South Downs National Park. The application is then considered at either the next full council or environment and planning committee meeting. The planning authority is in charge of making decisions and listing all applications so if you need information or wish to track a specific application then you should visit their website. However, Bury Parish Council has a dedicated page on its website ‘planning application decisions‘ on which you will find forthcoming applications along with the parish council’s comments and the decision of the planning authority. Once we receive a notification of an application, we put it on this page and then consider it at the next meeting.
If you are interested in attending a parish council meeting then please check the calendar on the website to see the date of the next meeting. All meetings are held on a Monday evening and the agenda is posted on the website and noticeboard within three clear working days so there is ample time to consider any planning applications and make your own comments.