Judith Daykin, Chair of Bury & West Burton Volunteers, sent this report:
What a great day this turned out to be! After a week of doubts about the impending rain, Saturday 5th October was a beautiful sunny day and our fears disappeared.
This year Apple Day followed the Coffee Morning and Horticultural Society plant sale and possibly this brought more people to both.
We had plenty of apples such that we pressed over 250 litres of juice for people to take away. We have also saved some which will be used to make cider for the 2025 Apple Day. Donations for this were greatly appreciated.
Entertainment was provided by Duncan McKenzie who again serenaded us through the whole event creating a lovely atmosphere. The BBQ sold out of over 80 burgers; apple pies a real bonus for dessert!
All that remains to say is a great big thank you to all who helped us to make this day happen. We could not manage this without lots of willing volunteers all of whom worked so hard. Thank you also to everyone who came and supported us, with or without apples!
We have only covered our costs this year, even though the musician was paid by a separate donation, but profit was not our objective. The main benefits are to make good use of apples which may otherwise not be needed and for us all to get together for a sociable autumn day.
Finally, we were delighted that our MP Andrew Griffith was able to pay us a visit, as well as posing briefly for a picture with the ‘ready to go pressing team’!