We have previously described the initiatives being taken by West Sussex Police via Operation Downsway to tackle the anti-social behaviour of a minority of bikers and drivers – a particular problem in Bury but also in other communities along the A29 and A272. Sussex Police committed to continue Operation Downsway throughout the summer and although they cannot be everywhere at all times, their deployment of camera vans, marked and unmarked police vehicles and roadside vehicle stops has certainly led to our being able to enjoy a number of quieter weekends.
We also described previously how Bury Parish Council were working with police, county and district council officers to explore a range of possible measures to find a permanent solution to this problem and we are pleased to report that at her recent Performance & Accountability meeting, Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner Katy Bourne made the issue her number one priority, devoting 40 minutes to the matter in a 90-minute meeting and dealing with the problems experienced in Wisborough Green and on Bury Hill, among others. You can watch the whole meeting here.
The discussion on Bury’s problems begins at about 5 minutes 30 seconds into the meeting. Katy Bourne quotes extensively from the letter Bury Parish Council wrote to Andrew Griffith MP in May and repeats our request for a sustainable solution to be found. Chief Constable Jo Shiner describes the initiatives her officers are undertaking in response to the problem and avers that Sussex Police absolutely recognise the issues and are constantly striving to address anti-social road behaviour. Bury Parish Council are hoping to arrange for Katy Bourne and Jo Shiner to come to Bury to meet Councillors and other residents on site.
In the meantime, Bury Parish Council have made a formal application for the installation of average speed cameras on Bury Hill and we have asked both Katy Bourne and Jo Shiner to personally add their support to this.
Whilst we are very pleased that the concerns of Bury residents are being taken very seriously, we believe it is important that residents continue to make their feelings on anti-social behaviour on roads around Bury known to the powers that be and here are some useful contact details:
Jo Shiner – Chief Constable, Sussex Police Jo.Shiner@sussex.pnn.police.
Katy Bourne – Police & Crime Comm. spcc@sussex-pcc.gov.uk
Andrew Griffith MP Andrew@GriffithMP.com
Grant Shapps – Sec. of State for Transport shappsg@parliament.uk
Baroness Vere – Under Sec. of State for Transport verec@parliament.uk
Becky Shaw – CEO West Sussex CC becky.shaw@eastsussex.gov.uk